Monday, November 22, 2010

Business Communication Today, Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Building Careers and Writing Resumes.

Most people think that when they give there resume when applying they are grantee a job at that company, well think again. A resume is only there to get you in the door.  It sure won’t get you the job. But getting in the door now a day is very hard. This chapter shows you how to make you stand out from the rest.  One key thing to remember is that a resume shouldn’t have your whole life story on it. A resume should only have things relevant to the job you are applying to. About only 95% of resume get seen, the rest are seen for about 5mins. When the look at your resume they want to know “why should I call this person?” make sure to make your resume short. Less is more. Showing volunteer jobs are good, especially when during gaps between jobs. Also put down internships, this way it looks as though you did something during your time off. You don’t want people thinking you were a bum at home. Make yourself look productive and outgoing. Make sure self a go-getter. With your resume, you have 3seconds, so make it catch attention.

Some key words to use in your resume are: (pg. 536)
Accomplished            Demonstrated                Joined                       Streamlined
Achieved                   Developed                    Launched                  Strengthened
Administered             Directed                        Maintained                Succeeded
Approved                  Established                   Managed                   Supervised
Arranged                   Explored                      Motivated                 Systematized 
Assisted                    Forecasted                   Operated                   Targeted
Assumed                  Generated                     Organized                 Trained
Budgeted                  Identified                      Oversaw                    Transformed
Chaired                     Implemented                Participated                 Upgraded
Changed                    Improved                    Performed
Complied                   Initiated                       Planned
Completed                 Installed                       Proposed
Coordinated               Introduced                  Recommended
Created                     Investigated                  Sparked


A good tip is also getting a quote from a professor or old employer and put it on the top of your resume. Something you should never do no matter what is lie on your resume. Some companies even hire private investigator to do background checks on you to make sure what you say is true before hiring you. So don’t ever lie. Also write your resume in “their language” meaning use their corporate jargon. Use the terms that the company uses, this shows them you know what they are talking about.
For your career objective, you should be whatever the company wants. “Show the love” by showing them there is where you want to be. That is your objective, their company. “That is your dream”, in reality it doesn’t have to be but they need to believe that it is because why would they want someone who doesn’t want it as bad.
Also something that most people don’t do but would be very cool is adding a link on resume about yourself. Give a link about a 5 minute intro about yourself on youtube. Make sure to be in a tie and suit and prepare a speech.

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